

  1. Data Scientist

    Real Estate Analytics May 2022 - Present

    Responsible for actively contributing to a team that develops cutting-edge AI solutions in real estate. I am deeply involved in every stage of the project lifecycle, from conceptualization to deployment and maintenance.
    • Made a system that generates compelling property descriptions for real estate listings using room images, targeting real estate agents.
    • Proposed a duplicate listing detection system for condo and apartment projects, which compares listing images and features like date, property type, area, and price to identify and flag duplicate listings.
    • Developed a system that recommends relevant projects to home buyers/renters in Singapore according to their budget, location, and other requirements.
    • Created an aggregator system that collects, deduplicates, ranks, and summarizes real estate news articles from diverse sources every day to produce a concise daily news summary report.
    • Developed a review analysis system that examines syntactical relations between words to extract entities, aspects, and opinions from apartment and condo project reviews. Improved AVM accuracy by 3%.

  2. Research And Development Intern

    Institute for Infocomm Research (A*STAR) Feb 2022 - Apr 2022

    • Engineered an intrusion detection system using AI which can accurately detect and classify various types of attacks (e.g. Brute Force, DoS, DDoS, and Web Attack, etc.) in a network.
    • Investigated self-supervised learning methods to learn better representations for features in data and as a means to deal with the phenomenon of class imbalance.

  3. Data Science Intern

    D Cube Analytics Dec 2020 - Apr 2021

    • Pre-Launch Analytics.
    • Scrutinized the current scenario of 5 competitor drugs in the severe asthma market to help a Bio-Pharma company prepare for a successful launch of a Biologic product.
    • Performed Descriptive and Predictive Analysis on IQVIA LAAD data.

  4. Data Science Intern

    D Cube Analytics May 2020 - Jul 2020

    • Proposed a marketing solution that helps a pharma company target prescribers more strategically.
    • Developed a Recommendation system using Contextual Bandit which helps in recommending the most suitable content to pitch to a prescriber, and the most suitable channel to pitch that content, based on their past behavioral attributes, considering various KPIs. This customized recommendation of content would increase customer engagement and in turn, the sales for the company.
    • Preprocessed and analyzed 4 pharma Big Data Sets namely Activity data, Sales data, Demographics data, and Multi-Channel Marketing (MCM) data.

  5. Data Science Intern

    BiosectRx Feb 2020 - Apr 2020

    • Wrote a script that could automatically mine and examine clinical trials, patents, and news articles for any given company from 6 public and government websites.
    • Worked closely with the Co-Founder to explore ways to leverage ML for generating recommendations for potential investment opportunities in life sciences.
    • Achievements: Saved the company 3-4 hrs/day.

  6. Deep Learning Researcher Nov 2019 - Dec 2019

    • Implemented an AI system to detect suspicious activities on the streets of India with the help of drones.
    • The model classifies activities as violent or non-violent. Considered 8 activities as violent (e.g. kick, punch, and strangle) and 6 activities as non-violent (e.g. walk, wave and fall).
    • Constructed a custom dataset composed of video sequences of a total of 610 seconds having video resolution of 1080p at 60 fps using DJI Mavic Pro drone. Each frame contained 1 to 10 humans engaged in various violent and non-violent activities.
    • Used Mobilenet SSD and SORT models to detect and track humans in the video. Applied milestone models namely, Early Fusion 2D-CNN, Late Fusion 2D-CNN, and LRCN on the detected humans to recognize the activity.
    • Achievements: Produced a novel multi-person and multi-activity dataset that can be leveraged for research purposes.


  1. National University of Singapore (NUS)

    Jun 2021 - Jun 2022

    Master of Technology - MTech
    Intelligent Systems (AI)

  2. Bennett University

    Jun 2017 - Jun 2021

    Bachelor of Technology - BTech
    Computer Science and Engineering


  • Programming Language

    • Python • Java

  • Machine Learning Framework

    • scikit-learn • TensorFlow • Keras • PyTorch

  • Database

    • MySQL • Neo4j • MongoDB

  • Cloud Platform

    • AWS • GCP • Heroku

  • Web Framework

    • Flask • FastAPI • Streamlit

  • Containerization

    • Docker

  • Version Control

    • Git